Research Center
for Earth Operative Monitoring



main page newsnewsstart sa "meteor-m" is transferred for reserve date

Start SA "Meteor-M" is transferred for reserve date. / September 16, 2009 /

The cosmodrome Baikonur: start of a rocket of space appointment of «Sojuz-2» with a space apparatus «Meteor-M» and small SA is transferred for reserve date on weather conditions.

Start is planned for tomorrow, for the same time.

The Roskosmos Press-service

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    the other articles: Images from KANOPUS-V Spacecraft (October 2022), Images from KANOPUS-V Spacecraft (September 2022), Images from KANOPUS-V Spacecraft (August 2022), Images from KANOPUS-V Spacecraft (July 2022), Images from KANOPUS-V Spacecraft (June 2022),
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