Research Center
for Earth Operative Monitoring



main page newsnewsflight tests of the spacecraft meteor-m »№ 1.

Flight tests of the spacecraft Meteor-M »№ 1.. / November 6, 2009 /

During the flight tests of spacecraft Meteor-M »№ 1 continues shooting the Earth’s surface by KMSS (Complex multispectral scanner imaging)equipment, wich consist of two cameras. At October 26 in NTs OMZ received and processed the data wich has got on circuit 548 from camera 1 (ISU-101) and on the next circuit 549 from Camera 2 (LSG-102).

In processing the data of the MSU-102 from circuit 549 was used by the navigation file generated according to the Set of coordinate-time support (CCW). Using data CCW increases the accuracy of combining images obtained at different shooting ranges, and accuracy of georeferencing.

After running in automatic mode, stream processing of the data processing of the results to a standard level of «1B» in the form of granules (scenes), which divided the entire route taken, is available in the technology sector of the directory NTs OMZ used during flight testing of the spacecraft.

The following page of the catalog and the results of processing image fragments from the coils 548 and 549.

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    the other articles: Images from KANOPUS-V Spacecraft (October 2022), Images from KANOPUS-V Spacecraft (September 2022), Images from KANOPUS-V Spacecraft (August 2022), Images from KANOPUS-V Spacecraft (July 2022), Images from KANOPUS-V Spacecraft (June 2022),
    all articles

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