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TsUP Starts Controlling Elektro-L No.2. / December 12, 2015 /

Moscow Mission Control Center (TsUP) started controlling the Elektro-L No.2 satellite. The satellite was launched on 11 December 2015 at 16:45 MSK by the Zenit-2SB carrier rocket with the Fregat-SB upper stage from the Baikonur Cosmodrome.

With the rocket engines worked as scheduled, Elektro-L No.2 was put into the near-earth orbit. The satellite flight control is made by the Lead Operational Control Team comprised of the TsUP’s experts and spacecraft developer representations.

Elektro-L No.2 developed by the NPO Lavochkin is the second spacecraft of the hydrometeorological and heliogeophysical series satellites. It will be used in the Elektro Geostationary Hydrometeorological Space System (GGKS).

GGKS is designed to provide the appropriate services with operational data to analyze and generate global weather predictions; to study sea and ocean condition, aviation flight conditions, heliogeophysical conditions in near-Earth space, the Earth’s ionosphere and magnetic field, and to monitor climate and global changes, emergencies and for environmental monitoring.

At the moment, TsUP controls the scientific and socioeconomic spacecraft including the Resurs-DK1, Resurs-P No.1 and 2 optoelectronic observation satellites, the Elektro-L No.1 and 2 and Kanopus-V No.1 hydrometerological satellites, and Luch-5A, Luch-5B and Luch-5V relay satellites.

ROSCOSMOS Press Service

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