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main page newsspace newsrussia will launch an autonomous orbital laboratory in 2015.

Russia will launch an autonomous orbital laboratory in 2015.. / September 30, 2009 /

Module «OKA-T» will be one of several autonomous flying machines, in particular, perform maintenance tasks on the ISS and the replacement of scientific instruments. To implement its functions, all devices will be periodically dock to the space station.

As explained Perminov, «OKA-T» is for "carrying out experiments on space technology and materials science. The value of stand-alone module is that it allows for all experiments in microgravity conditions and with minimal environmental impact. Samples obtained during experiments on «OKA-T», the ISS crew will take during the docking of an autonomous module and then sent to Earth.

It is assumed that the carrying out of "OKA-T experiments will have practical application. Their results will be in demand "for technology development of micro-and nanoelectronics, obtaining alloys, composite materials, biological agents.

Development of the module «OKA-T» is engaged in Samara TsSKB-Progress "in conjunction with RSC Energia. Enterprises won a competition for the lab in 2006. Weight module will be eight tons. Estimated duration of the orbit is at least five years. It was planned that «OKA-T» will be launched into orbit in 2012. This information in 2008, said in an interview with Rosbalt Deputy General Designer TsSKB-Progress "Alexander Chechin.

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