Research Center
for Earth Operative Monitoring



main page projectsoperational monitoring of earthquake forerunnerssumatra can be shaked a little. seysmic indikators on satellite images by "electro-l".

Sumatra can be shaked a little. Seysmic indikators on satellite images by "Electro-L".. / March 2, 2011 /

From the Russian weather satellite «Electro-L» on February 28 has received the image. NTs OMZ`s experts marked out cloud seismotectonic indicators over an area of Andaman-Sumatra (Annex 1). The length of the cloud indicator (A), tracing the western border of the Andaman unit is ~ 950 km, which gives the potential magnitude of possible earthquakes M (A) = ln950 ~ 6,9 +. Forecast zone P1 radius of ~ 770 km obtained from the intersection point Seismomagnetic Meridian run with the plate boundaries. Possible date of the earthquake is March 10.

The dynamics of cloud seysmic indikators presented satellite imagery from the satellite MTSAT-2 (Annex 2). The lifetime of the OS (A) ~ 1 day. This shows the intense degassing process in Andaman-Sumatra zone and indicates the preparation of a powerful earthquake.

Geophysical features of earthquake preparation are presented in Annex 3. A powerful geomagnetic storm on March 1 can trigger an earthquake until March 25 in Alaska, northern California, in the conjugate zone — Mediterranean (Italy, Greece).

Annex 1 (pdf, 665,5 Kb)

Annex 2 (pdf, 842,8 Kb)

Annex 3 (pdf, 521,4 Kb)

Print version

    the other articles: On Powerful EQ Signs in Japan, Experimental Section of Seismic Monitoring, On earthquake at Northern Italy, Japan. A year after earthquake disaster, On Earthquakes in Japan,
    all articles

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