НЦ ОМЗ :: ProjectsOperational Monitoring of Earthquake Forerunners :: Версия для печати

Go to the earthquake in Turkey September 22, 2011

Earthquake with magnitude of M5.5 occurred on Sep 22 in Turkey. Earthquake epicenter was located 45 km away from the Erzincan city. About the injured and the destruction of information is not reported

Cloud seismotectonic indicators of this event were revealed on satellite images of September 18-20. One of composites with data as of Sep 19 is presented in Appendix 1. According to the algorithm of earthquake indicators analysis, the most significant geophysical indicators were revealed on Sep 19 (Appendix 2). On just this date cloud seismotectonic indicators had to appear, so they were revealed on the south-east of Turkey along the part of East Anatolian Fault. The length was ~290 km (Appendix 1, block 3). Length of cloud seismotectonic indicators allowed to calculate the potential magnitude as M=ln290 ~ 5.7 ±0.2. Real magnitude of event was M5.5. On satellite images (blocks 5,6) cloud seismotectonic indicator B is of special interest. It has quadrangular shape and was located above earthquake preparation zone. There were up to 10 thematically processed images of similar structures in the RC EOM database. They are used in localization of earthquake preparation zones and potential magnitude calculations as independent subclass of cloud seismotectonic indicators . Earthquake was launched as the result of the geomagnetic disturbances of Septembed 3 and 10. Corresponding seismomagnetic meridians are presented in Appendicies 1,2.

Radon anomalies of Sep 19 and 21, registered at the stations of Fagnano and Magliano (according to G.Guiliani), are of interest as the response to the global anomalies (Appendix 1).
On Turkey radon monitoring stations similar anomalies had to be observed.

P.S. Note that special moment. September 19-21 2011 in Istanbul (Turkey) International Congress was held «Natural disasters and the global problems of modern civilization» (GEOCATACLYSM-2011). One section was devoted to the prediction of earthquakes. Nature, like «wanted» to make fun of members of Congress, arranged for a small check in the form of an earthquake on September 22.

Appendix 1 (pdf, 613 Kb)

Appendix 2 (pdf , 447 Kb)

URL документа: http://www.ntsomz.ru/projects/earthquake/doda1_news230911
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