Research Center
for Earth Operative Monitoring



main page projectsoperational monitoring of earthquake forerunnersagain the threat of a catastrophic earthquake in japan?

Again the threat of a catastrophic earthquake in Japan?. / October 5, 2011 /

In July 2011 Dr. phis. and math Alexey Lyubushin registered in the Russian Expert Council (RES) forecast catastrophic earthquake in the south of Honshu. His previous forecast of a mega-earthquake in March 2011 was justified. This event, read our message from 11.03.2011 and 18.03.2011.

Within the instrumental accompaniment forecast of Dr. Lyubushin experts NTS OMZ is carried out monitoring and predictive analysis of gravity, parameters of the earth’s rotation, clouds and other features (Appendix 1). The first phase of the experiment ended September 16 2011. Virtually all 9 earthquakes with magnitudes 6.0 +, recorded in July-September, took place in accordance with our calculations and methods. Among the most potent of this series 16.09.2011 with M 6.7. Note the dates of all events coincide within the accuracy of the method of ± 2 days.

We also note that the 8-14 August at large in Japan (Honshu) set an all-heat 37-40 degrees. Meteorologists can not explain the cause of the weather anomaly. In our opinion, one of the reasons is the seismotectonic factor. In a series of satellite images (July 26 — 13:30 August 2 — 06:00, 08:00) were detected cloud seismotectonic indicators, tracer Japan-Izu-Bonin Trench over 2055 km. What made it a potential magnitude 7.6 +. A considerable part of nedralnoy heat went into heating the atmosphere.

The next stage of the experiment gave the first surprise. According to our partners from the center of Tula «Forecast» ( October 4-5 registered a very powerful gravianomaliya (Appendix 2, block 1.1), which may be indicative of a catastrophic earthquake preparation. One possible area might be Japan. On this cloudy seismotectonic indicator (EQc), found on satellite imagerys from satellites Aqua, Terra, Meteor-M, MTSAT-2R, etc. One of the composites presented in Appendix 3.4. The offset angled EQ-clouds (B) more than 250 km relative to morphostructural site and its reversal by seismomagnetic meridian indicates the earthquake preparation. A similar shift was observed operating 19.02.2011 mega-EQ before March 11 (message from 18.03.2011, Appendix 2).

We can only wait and hope: «maybe» blow over.

Appendix 1 (pdf, 472 Kb)

Appendix 2 (pdf, 400 Kb)

Appendix 3 (pdf, 240 Kb)

Appendix 4 (pdf, 445 Kb)

Print version

    the other articles: On Powerful EQ Signs in Japan, Experimental Section of Seismic Monitoring, On earthquake at Northern Italy, Japan. A year after earthquake disaster, On Earthquakes in Japan,
    all articles

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