Research Center
for Earth Operative Monitoring



main page projectsoperational monitoring of earthquake forerunnersearthquake in pakistan: more than 150 victims, hundred wounded men.

Earthquake in Pakistan: more than 150 victims, hundred wounded men.. / October 29, 2008 /

Powerful earthquake in magnitude М6.4 has occurred on October, 29th in the west of Pakistan. As a result of elements was lost more than 150 persons, the number of victims can increase, there are destructions in Quetta.

According to the experts NTsOMZ this continuation of a series of the powerful earthquakes caused by abnormal movement of the Indian plate. At the analysis of the Kirghiz earthquake (the message from 27.10.2008) On the scheme of the Appendix 1.1 magnetic meridian of start from 04.10.2008 from longitudes 57/-123 «waited for the hour». After anomalies in rotation of the Earth on October, 24-26th about inevitable strengthening of seismic activity gauges of protons on Kamchatka and geoelectric measurements in Greece and Japan signalled. The card of seismo-magnetic conditions is resulted in the Appendix 1. The situation analysis proceeds. We will remind that 8.10.2005 in Pakistan there was the seismic accident which has carried away lives more of 86 thousand of persons. In the Center database there are some tens космоснимков with cloudy сеймопризнаками earthquakes in October, 2005

Experts do not exclude the further development of a situation in the west of the Indian plate (Sumatra, Java, Andamany) and in Iran.

the Appendix 1 (pdf, 145.8 kb)

the Appendix 2 (pdf, 371.8 kb)

the Appendix 3 (addition) (pdf, 358 kb)

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    the other articles: On Powerful EQ Signs in Japan, Experimental Section of Seismic Monitoring, On earthquake at Northern Italy, Japan. A year after earthquake disaster, On Earthquakes in Japan,
    all articles

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