НЦ ОМЗ :: ProjectsOperational Monitoring of Earthquake Forerunners :: Версия для печати

About the implementation of seismic prediction in Central America .

According to the forecast of 24 June 2009 in the area of Central America there were two strong earthquakes with a magnitude of 6.0. In general, for the projected period 24.06-7.07.2009 in the area has been a marked intensification of the seismic process (Annex 1). The most powerful earthquake in California were the Gulf of 3.07.2009 with a magnitude of M6.0 and M6.0 to 4.07.2009 in Panama. In addition, the zone formed three powerful typhoon One, Andres, and Blanco. The highest activity of typhoon Blanco came on 4-5 July. In the forecast was stated magnitude M7.4 +. There were 2 events of M6.0, which is clearly below the claimed magnitude. A possible explanation could be associated with typhoons, the education and maintenance of which the left part of thermal energy. Problem «interchanges» These 2 events, as well as with the seismic vulkanogenezom (for example, in the Kuril-Kamchatka zone) requires further research and experimentation.

Nevertheless, in Central America is still the threat of a powerful earthquake. Proof of this cloud are used seysmoindikatory observed on satellite in this area (Annex 2). They have exotic kvadratoobraznuyu form. Mechanism of formation of such structures before B. Natyaganovym from Moscow State University. MV Lomonosov Moscow State University. These cloud structures seen by specialists NC OMZ has repeatedly, and in particular, after the North Korean underground nuclear explosion of May 25, 2009 Length of cloud structures at the pictures July 7-8 gives the potential magnitude M = ln1100 ~ 7.0 +. Two new seysmomagnitnyh meridian on 24-25 June events offer the potential date before July 18. For aggregate features forecast extended to August 1 with a magnitude 7.0 +.

Annex 1 (pdf, 642 kb)< Annex 2 (pdf, 830 kb)

URL документа: http://www.ntsomz.ru/projects/earthquake/doda_news80709
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