Research Center
for Earth Operative Monitoring



Abut the geophysical conditions in Greece. / June 15, 2010 /

Seismotectonic situation in Greece remains tense. From June 10 there is quite a few signs of geophysical anomalies (Annexes 1, 2).

In these circumstances formed an expert group, which in besides ща specialists NTs OMZ, the Tula State University Center «Forecast» and the School CosmoMeteoTectonic, includes specialists from Greece, USA, Italy and Russia. There is a coordinated work on the 7 grades of preparation signs of the earthquake in Greece.

Analysis of the geophysical situation shows the necessity and feasibility of extending the forecast before 1 July 2010 with the most probable date of 20 June ± 2 days.

Annex 1 (pdf, 583,3 kb)

Annex 2 (pdf, 441,8 kb)

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    the other articles: On Powerful EQ Signs in Japan, Experimental Section of Seismic Monitoring, On earthquake at Northern Italy, Japan. A year after earthquake disaster, On Earthquakes in Japan,
    all articles

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