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May-June experiment results and conclusions.

Within 2 months of the experiment was conducted to test hypotheses on the relationship of seismic and geomagnetic activity. In essence, the forecast mode, checked one of the basic laws, developed the concept of NTs OMZ seysmotektogeneza geomagnetically of the meridional orientation of the seismic process (report dated June 1, 2011, Appendix 1). In 5 of 7 declared seismomagnetic meridians (or more precisely 14 degrees on the geoid bands) there were 15 earthquakes with magnitudes 6.0 — 6.8, including events with death and destruction in Spain on May 11 and Turkey 19 May (message of 13 May 2001 and 23 May 2011).

In the June experiment of the 4 meridians declared active were 2 (-23/157 and 112/-68 degrees). They ran six events with magnitudes 6.0 — 6.6 in predictive intervals 11-12.6 or 18-19.6 ± 2 days. (Appendix 1). We note in particular the launch of the meridian degree 23/-157 2 earthquakes with magnitudes 5.7 / 5.5 related to the volcanic eruption Nabro.

In addition to conducting the experiment was carried out a complete technological cycle of monitoring, analysis, features and receive topical products on the marked seismogenic zones. In particular, the June 16 event on the islands of New Britain, with a magnitude of 6.6 derived cloud seismotectonic indicator on satellite imagery May 23, 2011, which provided the potential magnitude of M = ln710 ~ 6,5 ± 0,2, almost coincided with the real (see Appendix 2, bl .1).

Thus, an experiment to test the hypothesis on the relationship of seismic and geomagnetic activity gave a positive result. Is assumed to continue carrying out similar experiments with graphic design results in 2-3 months.

Appendix 1 (pdf, 710 Kb)

Appendix 2 (pdf, 450 Kb)

URL документа: http://www.ntsomz.ru/projects/earthquake/dodanews22062011
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