Research Center
for Earth Operative Monitoring



main page projectsoperational monitoring of earthquake forerunnersthe threat of a powerful earthquake in iran still remain.

The threat of a powerful earthquake in Iran still remain.. / April 28, 2011 /

Ongoing monitoring and analysis of signs of preparation of the earthquake in Iran. Analysis of geophysical features (Annex 1) allows us to maintain the threat of a powerful earthquake in southern Iran. The same signal cloud seismotectonic indicators (Annex 2), found over the south of Iran, April 23-27, 2011.

According to the forecast (Annex 3) in the conjugate zone on Iran Seismomagnetic meridian run April 26 earthquake occurred in the Gulf of California with a magnitude of 5.6 (stated M5, 5 ± 0,2; message from 04/15/2011).

Note that our method involves prolonging the forecast for 28 days, ie before May 29, 2011. under certain geomagnetic conditions.

Previous powerful earthquake casualties and destruction in the south of Iran took place on 20 December 2010. with a magnitude of 6.3.

The database of the Centre are geophysical features and cloud seismotectonic indicator of preparation of this earthquake. They are remarkably similar to the current situation. Then a set of abnormal signs began to appear from December 3. The most significant anomalies were recorded on 9-10 December 2010.

Annex 1 (pdf, 576 Kb)

Annex 2 (pdf, 754 Kb)

Annex 3 (pdf, 372 Kb)

Print version

    the other articles: On Powerful EQ Signs in Japan, Experimental Section of Seismic Monitoring, On earthquake at Northern Italy, Japan. A year after earthquake disaster, On Earthquakes in Japan,
    all articles

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