НЦ ОМЗ :: ProjectsOperational Monitoring of Earthquake Forerunners :: Версия для печати

About the possibility of a powerful earthquake in the Taiwan-Philippine region.

A number of signs, wich has got by processing spacegeophysical data showed preparation for a strong Earthquake (EQ) in Taiwan or the Philippines. The fact that the Philippine plate is not all right, signaled a series of 4 typhoons in September and the month of October and at about EQ. Ryukyu 30/10/2009, with a magnitude of M6.8. This EQ predicted in joint experiments with researchers from the Tula Group of Dr. O. Martynov. Based on data recorded by the instrument system gravimeters on «weights Cavendish» with special antennas, 27.10.2009, the global anomaly was recorded. It correlated with anomalies in the Greek Pyrgos station and powerful atmospheric electrical abnormality in the art. Kakioka. Anomalous geophysical processes reflect the trajectory of the pole and Chandler (Annex 1).

We believe that the above anomalies is not fully implemented and should expect more powerful seismic events in the area of Taiwan-Philippines. At this point cloud seismotectonic indicators or EQ cloud(EQC) on satellite imagery from the satellite MTSAT for 31.10.2009 (Annex 2). The first group of operating system appeared on the northern tip of the main Philippine shift 02:00 — 05:00 (shots 1-4) after the passage of Typhoon Mirinae. Then the EQC-s appeared and traced the northern section of the Manila trench (shots 5-14). EQC-s continued to appear over the Philippines, and 2-3.11.2009 city (22:30 — 02:00).

Reconstruction of the stress field of the EQC gives the potential seismic-tectonic zone on the block Lusson and S. Taiwan. Possible date for the event can be considered as the interval until November 13, 2009 at seismomagnetic meridians on 23.10.2009 — 120/-60 degrees 30.10.2009 — 127/-54 degrees.

Note that the previous strong EQ happened in Taiwan 03/10/2009 with M6.0, and shortly before this (28/09/2009) earthquake with M5.8 occurred at about. Ryukyu. Kosmokarta seismomagnetic environment for these events is given in Annex 3. Forecast of the EQ and the possible development of the situation on Okinawa plate was given to our Taiwanese colleagues at a working meeting in September 2009 in Lomonosov Moscow State University.

How will this time? It is worth adding that in accordance with our prediction methods provided extension of the projection is not more than 2 times in total up to 28 days. These parameters are related to solar activity and the concomitant magnetic storms that are the trigger mechanism to start EQ ..

Annex 1

Annex 2

Annex 3

URL документа: http://www.ntsomz.ru/projects/earthquake/news0611200903
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