НЦ ОМЗ :: Images by Electro-L :: Версия для печати

NTs OMZ is continually receiving and processing data from satellites, "Electro-L" № 1.

SC «Electro-L» № 1 provides multispectral imagery of the Earths disk in the visible and infrared ranges with a resolution of 1 km and 4 km, respectively. The nominal frequency of shooting — 30 minutes. In the case of observation of natural phenomena on the periodicity of the survey teams from the ground can be reduced to 15 minutes.
To date, worked out up to receive information in the format of LRIT.

The source images catalog (structured by date)

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Login — electro
Password — electro

URL документа: http://www.ntsomz.ru/electro/source_images
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