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Preparations for the spacewalk is completed

On the International Space Station (ISS) completed a training program to spacewalk on the Russian program, which is scheduled for August 3.

The duration of all work to be performed cosmonaut Alexander Volkov and Sergei Samokutyaevu on Wednesday in the open space (from opening to closing of the exit hatch), the calculated data is about six hours.

The key objectives of output: launch a microsatellite «Cedar» (experiment «Radioskaf»), dated to the year the 50th anniversary of Yuri Gagarin’s flight, the transfer of cargo boom with the docking module «Pirs» on small research module (MIM), «Search», as well as a series of operations on the service module «Zvezda». Within the medical and biological experiments «Biorisk» to the surface, «Pierce» will place the platform with three containers, designed to study the possible influence of microorganisms on structural materials used in space technology. The astronauts will conduct photography equipment at MIM «Search» bar and «Komplast» FGB «Zarya» picture «Gagarin», «King», «Tsiolkovsky».

Alexander Samokutyaevu have to make a first appearance in his career. His colleague, Sergei Volkov during the previous flight had twice worked in open space.

Press Service of the Russian Federal Space Agency and the PMU

Source: www.roscosmos.ru

URL документа: http://www.ntsomz.ru/news/news_cosmos/mks2_030811
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