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Assembling of "Proton-M space rocket for launch Arabsat-5B satelite

A few days till the export of a space rocket "Proton-M rocket with the spacecraft Arabsat 5B (« Arabsat-5B) to the launch complex (site 200). Removal is scheduled for May 31.

Yesterday in omy in the finishing room 111 began work on assembling a space rocket. Specialists Space Center Khrunichev and Kocmicheskogo Center South "had a mechanical docking of the warhead with a missile — a carrier. Now checks the electrical connections.

A few days after the completion of electrical testing, ILV evacuated from MICA to fuel a gas station to fuel tanks low pressure booster Breeze-M ". Operations on the TPS extended for two days and complete the cycle prelaunch space rocket, scheduled for the facility.

Evening May 30 at the cosmodrome to be held meeting of the State Commission on the basis of studies carried out on technical and launch complexes Proton. The Commission will decide on preparedness RCN to install on the launch pad.

Start a space rocket „Proton-M with the upper stage Briz-M“ and telecommunication satellite Arabsat-5B is scheduled for 2.00 Moscow time June 4, 2010.

URL документа: http://www.ntsomz.ru/news/news_cosmos/news28052010
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