НЦ ОМЗ :: ProjectsOperational Monitoring of Earthquake Forerunners :: Версия для печати

Appreciable earthquake on the coast of Corsica.

On July 7 at the Western Mediterranean Sea (at distance of 95 km to the west of Corsica), it was occurred the appreciable, earthquake with a magnitude of 5.3. On Corsica in the port city of Marseille strong tremors of 4-5b (Appendix 1) were felt. There was no injuries or damage.

Mediterranean seismic zone is distinctive testing area for the identification of cloud seismotectonic indicators on the satellite images and for the further development and tuning of the technology of the images thematic processing. This time, the clearest cloud indicators were revealed in the vicinity of Corsica island on June 23, 2011 (Appendix 2). They were also observed on other dates, in particular, on June 20. Cloud indicator (A) was formed within the hour and at the final stage it took the shape of a rectangle. Longest side having 125 km length gave the potential magnitude estimate of M = ln125 ~ 4,8. The real one was 5.3 (according to other reports it was 5,0).

Possible date of the earthquake was given by the seismomagnetic meridian of geomagnetic disturbance of June 19 with longitude at the equator of (-2/178) and potential dates of July 3 or July 10 ± 2 days. The actual event occurred on July 7 at 19:21 UTC. Note, this event can be considered as conjugated with a powerful earthquake on. Kermadec Island of July 6 with a magnitude of 7.6.

Appendix 1 (pdf, 115 Kb)

Appendix 2 (pdf, 460 Kb)

URL документа: http://www.ntsomz.ru/projects/earthquake/dodanews08072011/projects/earthquake/dodanews08072011/projects
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