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main page newsspace newsastronauts have finished mission on repair of a telescope "hubble"

Astronauts have finished mission on repair of a telescope "Hubble". / May 19, 2009 /

Astronauts of a shuttle «Atlantis» on Monday have finished the fifth and last extravehicular activity for repairing of a telescope «Hubble», is informed on official site NASA.

Last extravehicular activity made by the American astronauts by John Gransfeldom (John Grunsfeld) and Andrew Fojstelom (Andrew Feustel), has lasted 7 hours and two minutes, and has come to the end at 15:22 on east time.

According to Gransfelda, mission on «Hubble’s» repair was the unforgettable adventure which has demanded from astronauts the big skill. «’ Hubble ’ it is not simple the companion. It personifies aspiration of the person to knowledge», — the astronaut has stated the point of view.

During the fifth extravehicular activity astronauts of «Atlantisa» have replaced the second accumulator of a telescope, and also have established a new sensor control for orientation in device space. Besides, Gransfeld and Fojstel have finished works on installation of a sheeting for a telescope, begun during extravehicular activity on May, 17th, 2009 and not finished because of time lack.

Thus, astronauts of «Atlantisa» have executed in total five extravehicular activity in which course have consulted with all problems put before them. So, they have established the new chamber instead of old, have partially repaired the basic chamber (Advanced Camera for Surveys), and also have equipped «Hubble» sensitive ultra-violet спектрографом (Cosmic Origins Spectrograph).

Mission of «Atlantisa» has begun on May, 11th, 2009 when the space shuttle started from the cosmodrome on cape Canaveral in the State of Florida. Onboard the ship there are 7 astronauts repair of a space telescope «Hubble» who is in an orbit already 19 years was which main task.

Source: Lenta. Ru

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