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Baikonur launch campaign continues. / September 15, 2011 /

In the assembly and testing facility (MIC) sites 92A-50 rocket calculations Khrunichev Khrunichev started elektroproverkam booster (RB) «Breeze-M» and test the systems on board the carrier rocket «Proton-M», which will bring orbit spacecraft (SC) «KvettsSat-1». At the same time in the finishing chamber MIC foreign experts continue to prepare an autonomous spacecraft «KvettsSat-1».

In accordance with the schedule continues preparations for the launch of a spacecraft «Intelsat-18».

Today, satellite «Intelsat-18» was delivered to the gas station in the construction of 31-44 for refueling its propulsion system propellant components and compressed gases.

Launching of the «Intelsat-18» is scheduled to be launch vehicle (LV) «Zenit-2SB» and the upper stage, «DM-SLB».

Press Service of the Russian Space Agency


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