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Operations and experiments on the International Space Station August 3, 2011. / August 3, 2011 /

August 3 at the Russian segment of International Space Station astronauts scheduled to exit into open space on the Russian program.

Opening the exit hatch is scheduled for 18 hours 30 minutes Moscow time. First on the outer surface of the station flight engineer Alexander Samokutyaev will then be joined by his colleague, Sergei Volkov.

The key objectives of output: launch a microsatellite «Cedar» (experiment «Radioskaf»), the transfer of cargo boom with the docking module «Pirs» on small research module (MIM), «Search», as well as a series of operations on the service module «Zvezda». Within the medical and biological experiments «Biorisk» to the surface, «Pierce» will place the platform with three containers, designed to study the possible influence of microorganisms on structural materials used in space technology. The astronauts will conduct photography equipment at MIM «Search» bar and «Komplast» FGB «Zarya» picture «Gagarin», «King», «Tsiolkovsky».

The duration of all work in open space (from opening to closing of the exit hatch) on the calculated data is about six hours.

ISS attitude control mode is supported on gyrodines American segment.

The program of scientific experiments conducted aboard the Russian segment of ISS:
study the physical conditions in space orbiting the Earth, «Matryoshka-R» (the study of the dynamics of the radiation environment on the flight path and in ISS compartments, and dose accumulation in the anthropomorphic phantom, placed inside the station);
biotechnology space, «lactol» (to determine the effect of the exposure conditions of orbital flight on the growth, genetic and physiological characteristics of the producer strain lactol), «Biotrack» (the study of the correlation between the change in genetic properties, the productivity of recombinant strains in microgravity and the effects on them of heavy charged cosmic ray particles), «Bacteriophage» (study of the effects of space flight on bacteriophages), «Ginseng-2» (to study the characteristics of a cell culture of ginseng and other crops in order to identify opportunities to increase their biological activity), «Calcium» (to study the effect of microgravity on the solubility of calcium phosphates in the water);
biomedical research, «Biorisk» (study of the influence of space factors on the state of the systems’ micro-organisms — substrates «as applied to the problem of ecological safety of space vehicles and planetary quarantine),» Plants-2 "(the study of growth and development of higher plants, as well as working out technologies of their cultivation in microgravity), «Typology» (the study of typological characteristics of operator activity in ISS stages of long-term space flight);
geophysics and near-Earth space, «Lightning-Gamma» (investigating atmospheric flashes of gamma radiation and optical activity in a thunderstorm), «Splash» (monitoring of seismic effects — bursts of high energy particles in near-Earth space);
technical research and experiments, «range» (the study and use of signals of a global time from the ISS to refine your orbital motion);
remote sensing, «Microwave radiometry» (study of the characteristics of the underlying surface, ocean and atmosphere).

The ISS crew members continue to work the 28th long-term expedition — Russian Federal Space Agency cosmonaut commander Andrei Borisenko, flight engineers and cosmonauts Alexander Samokutyaev Sergei Volkov (Roscosmos), astronaut Ronald Garan and Michael Fossum (NASA), Satoshi Furukawa (JAXA).

Press-service of Russian Federal Space Agency and the PMU


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    the other articles: Russian Cosmonauts To Launch Nanosatellites During EVA, Progress MS In-Flight Testing Completed, Miniature Equipment for Extended Lifetime of National Satellites, Kanopus-V-IK Injected Successfully into Near-Earth Orbit, Kanopus-V-IK Prelaunch Processing,
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