Research Center
for Earth Operative Monitoring



main page newsspace newsobservation of the titan by cassini probe fell through because of breakage.

Observation of the Titan by Cassini probe fell through because of breakage.. / November 9, 2010 /

The orbiting Saturn Cassini Probe, suddenly went into safe mode. Because of this, the unit will not be able to conduct observations of Titan — the largest saturnianskogo satellite, which had been scheduled for November 11. It is reported by

In safe mode, Cassini beamed back to Earth only about its own state, but is not sending scientific information. The unit went into safe mode on Nov. 2 after a crash in some systems. Scientists in charge mission Cassini, it is believed that the normal mode of operation will be restored soon.

Cassini reached Saturn’s orbit in 2004. The device monitors the gas giant and its satellites and transmits to Earth a huge number of photographs. Over the previous six years he moved to safe mode once. Originally it was planned that the duration of the mission for four years, but experts later decided to extend it until September 2010. September 27 Cassini began a new phase of its mission, called «Solstice», which runs until 2017.

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