Research Center
for Earth Operative Monitoring



main page newsspace newswork for the launch of three glonass satellite preparation is continuing on baikonur

Work for the launch of three GLONASS satellite preparation is continuing on Baikonur. / November 9, 2010 /

Today in the assembly and test building site 92A-50 of Baikonur the crew of companies unloaded a spacecraft «Glonass-M» from the container. After installing the spacecraft in the booth specialists of JSC «ISS» them. M. Reshetnev supported by calculations of the Center named after M. Khrunichev and branch FSUE TsENKI «-» Space Center «South» will begin testing "Glonass-M.

Spacecraft (SC), which began work, arrived at Baikonur yesterday. This is the second satellite of the cluster, which would start on the launcher «Proton-M» in early December.

The first GLONASS was delivered to Baikonur week ago, he underwent a full test cycle and transferred to a storage mode, the third satellite is planned to deliver to the launch site in mid-November.

In the same assembly and testing facility is located and rocket «Proton-M», intended to launch three satellites Glonass. Today it is reloaded into the workplace, which will be tested systems of the booster.

Upper Stage DM-3 has been training for start-up in the assembly and testing facility site 254 spaceport. Today, it checks the integrity of devices.

Space rocket Proton-M rocket with Block DM upper stage-3 and a block of three satellites Glonass-M "is scheduled for 13.25 MSK. December 5, 2010.

JSC ISS is a leading developer of space segment of GLONASS and the only company in Russia, producing navigational satellites. In addition to the production of modern spacecraft GLONASS-M satellites Reshetnev company creates new generation GLONASS-K "with improved performance and longer active life.

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