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Russian cosmonauts returned to the ISS from outer space. / January 15, 2010 /

Russia’s cosmonauts returned to the ISS from outer space. / January 15, 2010 /

Two Russian cosmonauts returned to the airlock Pirs «of the International Space Station after a six-hour work on the outer surface of the complex, according to Interfax. According to the agency, all the planned work in the open space to be fully implemented.

Exit cosmonauts Oleg Kotov and Maxim Suraeva in EVA began at 13:05 Moscow time on Thursday, January 14. During the work, the astronauts connected the cable connection, a research module Search »co bay official» Star ". In the «Search» have also been established connecting the target, the antenna system «Course» and additional handrails in areas off the hatches. This is necessary for redocking of the Soyuz TMA-16 «in the module» Search "to further adjustment of the orbit station, scheduled to start on 21 January.

ISS orbit correction is done by the engines of the space ships. At the moment the ship docked to the module «Zvezda». From this position the Soyuz TMA-16 "can not raise the orbit of the station.

In addition, the Russians dismantled the station and were put inside a container with microorganisms "Biorisk-SIT, which was under the influence of space flight factors, in particular, radiation, for 30 months. ISS crew will now proceed to the study of biological objects. In this experiment, in particular, a selection of material to be sent to the Martian satellite Phobos Project «Phobos-Grunt».

The crew of MSCs is currently comprised of five persons. Besides the two Russians on board the complex are American astronaut Jeffrey Williams and Timothy Creamer, as well as Japanese Soichi Noguchi.

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