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NASA public on the web videotur on the ISS. / June 26, 2009 /

The U.S. space agency laid out in the free internet access videotur on the International Space Station (ISS). This informs the site NASA Watch.

Video with voice commentary (in English) was recorded astronaut Michael Barratom at the request of engineers from the ground. Specialists wanted to get acquainted with the internal decoration of the station, as well as with the state of the transition nodes between modules.

The video starts in the U.S. module Unity ( «Unity»). At hatch readily visible label «Limiting speed — 17500» (miles or kilometers per hour — not specified). In addition, Michael has demonstrated the computers used by astronauts (mainly laptops). During the walk you can observe the work of other members of the crew of the station. The duration of the video, a total of more than 28 minutes.

Currently, the ISS operates six people. This Russian cosmonauts Roman Romanenko and Gennady Padalka, American astronaut Michael Barrat, Japanese astronaut Koichi Vakata, Canadian astronaut Robert Tire and the European Space Agency, Frank De Winne.

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