Research Center
for Earth Operative Monitoring



main page projectsoperational monitoring of earthquake forerunnersthe forecast of strong earthquakes on the island of hokkaido confirmed

The forecast of strong earthquakes on the island of Hokkaido confirmed. / June 5, 2009 /

A strong earthquake with a magnitude of M6.3 occurred on 5 June in the south of Hokkaido. Tremor was felt throughout the hole island and on Honshu island (Annex 1).

May 15, 2009. We have reported a forecast (see Appendix 2) about a possible earthquake with M6.5 (+ — 2) on the border of Honshu, Hokkaido. The most probable date of June 5, considered to be (+ — 2 days). The forecast is fully justified.

One of the classes seysmoprognoznyh signs considered cloud seismotectonic indicators (Annex 3). They confirmed the preparation of an earthquake in the Japanese zone.

The second part dealt with the prediction of the Kuril-Kamchatka zone, where there is still a danger of a powerful earthquake.

Appendix 1 (pdf, 114 , 9 kb)

Appendix 2 (pdf, 538 , 2 kb)

Appendix 3 (pdf, 482 kb)

Print version

    the other articles: On Powerful EQ Signs in Japan, Experimental Section of Seismic Monitoring, On earthquake at Northern Italy, Japan. A year after earthquake disaster, On Earthquakes in Japan,
    all articles

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