Research Center
for Earth Operative Monitoring



Consequences of the earthquake on the territory of the Republic of Haiti.

January 15, 2010 were received images from the «Resurs-DK» spacecraft of the Republic of Haiti in wich are visible effects of the earthquake that occurred on January 12 to 16 hours and 53 minutes of local time..

Happy New Year and Christmas!

We congratulate you Happy New Year and Christmas!.

Typhoon near the coast of Indonesia.

The NTsOMZ at 27 November 2009 were received pictures of the typhoon in the Pacific Ocean from the «Meteor-M» №1 spacecraft.

Flight tests of the spacecraft Meteor-M »№ 1.

Shooting the Earth surface form «Meteor-M» №1 spacecraft by equipment KMSS are in progress.

About the flight tests of the Meteor-M satellite

We got the first images from multi-channel scanning device of low resolution MSU-MR.

October 7, 2009 during flight testing of the spacecraft Meteor-M "№ 1 carried out switching on the GGAK-M heliogeophysical complex by NTs OMZ

All instrument of GGAK-M complex operates reliably.

«Meteor-M» №1 – The first steps

The first switching on of onboard equipment spacecraft «Meteor-M» was carried out at the 1st and 2nd of october.

First ERS information from «Meteor-M» № 1.

NTs OMZ has received the first data from Earth remote sensing satellite «Meteor-M» № 1.

Flight tests of the new generation hydrometeorological spacecraft is continuing successfully

Continued flight testing of the new generation hydro-meteorological spacecraft Meteor-M № 1 . They will last more than another month..

«Meteor-M» №1: flight tests pass successfully

Checks and tests of office systems of a space apparatus are spent..

The weather satellite «Meteor-М» is successfully introduced to a target orbit

Start CR of «Sojuz-2» from the cosmodrome Baikonur on which board there was a weather satellite and 6 small SA, has taken place on September, 17th..

Start of the space meteoscout is postponed exactly for days for technical reasons. A situation for space departments of the world typical, by a principle: seven times measure…

Start of a rocket «Sojuz» from the cosmodrome Baikonur is postponed for technical reasons for today..

Start SA «Meteor-M» is transferred for reserve date

The cosmodrome Baikonur: start of a rocket of space appointment of «Sojuz-2» with a space apparatus «Meteor-M» and small SA is transferred.

«Meteor-M» corresponds to the American and European analogues and even surpasses them in an equipment set

The representative of the customer has told about great value for Russia of a conclusion to an orbit of new meteorological satellite «Meteor-M» the stats-secretary – a deputy head of Roskosmos Valery Nikolaevich Djadjuchenko.

About the launching of the «Meteor-M» spacecraft , with an associated spacecraft «ZA-002 SumbandilaSat» and small spacecrafts that will serve students

Simultaneously with the launching of the «Meteor-M» September 15 launcher «Soyuz-2» with the upper stage «Fregat» scheduled for launch spacecraft «ZA-002 SumbandilaSat» and small spacecraft (ICA) «Sterkh», «University — Tatiana-2», «Digital Photography», «UGATUSAT» and to conduct technological experiments «IRIS»..

«Meteor-M» delivered at Baikonur

Yesterday, at 16.25 of local time to the airport «Yubileyny» of Baikonur landed an AN 124-100 «Ruslan» «Volga-Dnepr» airlines, which delivered to the cosmodrome spacecraft «Meteor-M»..

Federal Space Agency on a request of MOE realized space monitoring of the tanker accident and oil spill in the Samara region area

According to the results of imaging spacecraft «Resurs-DK1» of 16 July at 11 hr. 51 min local time, near the village of Pecherska between Samara and Syzran been accidental tanker, the tanker for pumping oil, tugs and bonnovye fence (Photo 1) deployed to locate the spill..

In NC OMZ has taken place a lecture about the purpose, composition and main characteristics of the spacecraft «Meteor-M».

In August, should take place the launch of the first in the Russian history spacecraft of hydrometeorological purpose..

Resurs-DK1 Satelite. 3 years on Earth orbit!

At Jun 15, 2009 3 years has passed since the Russian satellite of the Earth`s surface remote sensing Resurs-DK1 had launched from Baikonur Spaceport.

2-nd All-Russian scientific conference «Actual problems of rocket and space instrumentation and information technology»

3 and 4 June, in NTSOMZ, in the Second All-Russian Scientific Conference «Actual problems of rocket and space instrumentation and information technologies» was held on Section 2 — Systems and technologies of remote sensing of Earth and satellite monitoring.

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